Recommended age group: 14–19
Time required: one or two 45–60 minute sessions
Equipment: Make a Pledge information and activity sheets, internet access.


  1. Start the class by watching some of the highlights from the London 2012 Olympic or Paralympic Games to introduce students to the excitement of the event.
  2. Explain that students are going to research the plans and promises made during and for the legacy of London 2012. Using the information sheets ‘Before the Games’ and ‘During the Games’, students should examine the different promises and explain what they set out to achieve. What are the key themes of the government’s ‘Promise for 2012’, and of the Olympic and Paralympic oaths? How are they similar/ different?
  3. Ask students to consider the different parties involved in organising the Games – e.g. from the government and the organising committee to the BOA/BPA and competing athletes. Ask students to sort the key themes/ promises they have identified into order of importance for each of the different parties and then report back to the class, justifying their decisions.
  4. Individually, or in small groups, students should then pick one of the key themes of the government’s ‘Promise for 2012’ (or the Olympic and Paralympic Oaths) to investigate further. Using the ‘After the Games’ information sheet, Get Set – the impact so far film and news stories, and further independent research, students should assess the extent to which the goals in their pledge/ promise has been achieved.
  5. Students create a presentation or article on their area of the London 2012 Legacy, explain their assessment of the goals. More able students may also suggest plans for improvement or further development in the future.


  • Taking inspiration from the London 2012 case study, students should identify areas of their own lives, school or wider community that they might like to improve and make their own pledge and action plan. Use the Make a Pledge activity sheet to support students in creating and structuring their pledge.