Recommended age group: 5–14
Time required: 30–45 minutes
Equipment: Paralympic Value of equality presentation.


Use these discussion points and activities to explore the Paralympic Value of equality

What is equality?

  • How have the Paralympic Games changed our attitudes to disabled people? What key words sum up our responses?
  • Why do we need to consider the achievement of women in sport when we talk about equality?
  • Ask students to discuss the classification system at the Paralympic Games. How does this work in relation to equality?


Go the extra mile

  • Find out more about Ludwig Guttmann and the Stoke Mandeville Games. Can students find out about any other pioneers of equality?
  • Create an equality statement that is specific to your school. Invite students to carry out an assessment of the physical layout of the school – are there inaccessible staircases or mobile classrooms, for example? How could everyone go to school together, on more equal terms?
  • Work with a group of children with specific behavioural and learning needs. What can learning with others that are different from us teach us?