The Spirit of Sport resources contain a mixture of creative, reflective and exciting classroom and practical activity ideas designed for use with young people aged 7–11. All activities are flexible and can be adapted for learning with large or small groups, in school or at home. 

Supporting the aims and objectives of the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code, UKAD’s 100% me principles and the Olympic and Paralympic Values, the resources reiterate the importance of sporting values and how young people can demonstrate these values in sport and play. Each session incorporates engaging activities that offer a greater understanding and application of each of the following seven values – determination, courage, equality, fair play, friendship, inspiration and respect. Throughout the resources students explore how these values can impact health, wellbeing, sport and play both in and out of school and reach to incorporate family and friends in this learning.

Establishing a safe learning environment

Please note that some of the discussions in these lessons may touch on some sensitive topics for pupils, so care should be taken to establish a safe learning environment. Ensure you are aware of any vulnerable pupils in your classroom, provide opportunities for children to ask questions anonymously (for example using a question box), and provide information about where pupils can get further support as required.

Ahead of discussions, develop ground rules together as a class. This often works best when the children develop and agree to these rules as a group and then display them prominently in the classroom. However, as a guide, the following ground rules supported by the PSHE Association will help establish a safe learning environment for positive discussions.  

  • Openness. We will be open and honest, but not directly discuss our own or others personal/private lives or put anyone 'on the spot'. 
  • Keep the conversation in the room. The conversations in the room will be treated confidentially, unless the teacher is concerned we are at risk.
  • Non-judgemental approach. Challenge the opinion, not the person. 
  • Right to pass. Taking part is important. However, all pupils have the right to pass on answering a question or participating in an activity.
  • Make no assumptions. Do not assume people's beliefs, values, likes, dislikes, experiences. 
  • Listen to others. Respect others point of view and expect to be listened to as well.
  • Language. We will use correct terms, not slang terms, as these can be offensive.
  • Asking questions. We know there are no stupid questions! We can also ask questions anonymously through the question box.  
  • Seeking help and advice. We know where to go if we, or a friend, needs further help and advice.