- Home
- 10 Year Anniversary
- Travel to Tokyo
- Elinor Barker's surfing challenge
- Team Dashboard
- Will Bayley's Perculiar Powerlifting
- Natasha Baker's toilet roll gymnastics
- Laviai Nielsen's floor climbing
- Anthony Ogogo's litter relay
- Path to Paris - School Dashboard
- Show and Tell Beijing
- Welcome To The Bound For Beijing Challenge
- Show and Tell
- Get Set to Build a Community
- About Get Set
- Get Set +
- Get Set for Positive Energy
- Get Set to Build a Community
- Get Set to Find Your Extraordinary
- Resources
- Judo Challenge
- Path to Paris
- Diverse Voices - Kye Whyte
- Celebrate Your Ability Film
- Melanie Wood's Magic Moment
- Diverse Voices - Kadeena Cox
- Siobhan Fitzpatrick's Magic Moment
- Get active with Micro Scooters
- Get Active on Olympic Day
- Javier Bello's Magic Moment
- Ashley Facey's Magic Moment
- Kye Whyte's Magic Moment
- Celebrate Your Ability
- Build Your Skills
- Everyone's Game
- Millie Knight's challenge
- Will Bayley's Home Workout
- Anthony's video diary
- TT Kidz Floor Bounce Challenge
- Wheelchair rugby
- Olympic and Paralympic History
- Olympic and Paralympic history - Assembly
- A history of the Olympic Games
- A history of the Paralympic Games
- Laviai Nielsen's challenge
- Olympic Torch Relays
- Badminton Challenge
- The Olympic Oath – London 2012
- Host Cities
- Opening ceremonies
- Get Set to discover Rio!
- Rio design challenges
- Celebrating Rio - Assembly
- Number crunching the Games
- Dance yourself fit
- Games across the globe
- Olympic and Paralympic inspired art
- Infographic
- International Olympic Day
- Olympic Day Quiz
- Olympic Day Values
- Get active and discover
- Olympic Day Crafts
- Message relay
- Move, Learn and Discover
- Olympic Day - Assembly
- Helen Glover's Challenge
- Get Set to be a Paralympic Champion
- Paralympic champions - Assembly
- Primary 1: It's about ability not disability
- Primary 2: The power of storytelling
- Paralympic champions - Assembly (advanced)
- Secondary 1: This class believes that…
- Secondary 2: Paralympic plots
- Helen's video diary
- Get Set to Ace It
- The language of tennis
- Tennis advertising
- Bounce stats
- PEP yourself up
- Tennis and the Values - Assemblies
- Value the Values
- Get a grip
- Pick up the beat (advanced)
- The longest match
- Joel Fearon's challenge
- Get Set the impact so far
- Olympic and Paralympic Sport
- Train to win
- What is boccia?
- What is goalball?
- Train to win (Advanced)
- What is handball?
- Bound for Beijing campaign
- Bound for Beijing (Home Learning)
- Winter Tens
- Duster Dodge animation
- Olympic torch relay
- Archery Challenge
- Paralympic Heroes
- The Paralympic Movement
- A Paralympic legacy
- Paralympic inspiration
- Paralympic day challenge
- Paralympic profiles
- STEM in Sport
- Anyone for wheelchair tennis?
- Gearing up for Olympic cycling
- Volley2s challenge
- Teamwork at the Winter Games
- The Legacy of London 2012
- Environmental sustainability
- Values Ambassadors
- Highlights from London 2012
- Art and film
- Spoken language and presentation skills
- Moment to shine
- Chat show
- Anthony Ogogo's Home Workout
- Sochi 2014 Winter Games
- Laviai Nielson Home Workout
- The Olympic and Paralympic Values
- Values Champions
- Stories – it's the way you tell them!
- Values Stars
- Olympic Value of respect
- Olympic Value of excellence
- Olympic Value of friendship
- Paralympic Value of determination
- Paralympic Value of inspiration
- Paralympic Value of courage
- Values certificates
- Paralympic Value of equality
- What makes an effective team? (advanced)
- What makes an effective team?
- Living the Values, helping others
- Helen Glover's top tips
- Travel to Tokyo - Introduction
- The Winter Games
- Winter Games quiz
- Winter Team Sports Challenge
- Athletes in action
- Cool clothes for warm athletes
- Design a snowboard
- Will Bayley's challenge
- Volunteering and Enterprise
- Get Set for Community Action
- Using your skills
- Run a local event
- Active Citizenship
- Community arts
- Host Cities - London 2012
- Active assemblies
- AA - young athletes
- AA Young athletes film
- Inspirational activity
- Teamwork activity
- Fan Club Starter Kit
- Fan Club Starter Kit for Primary Schools
- Fan Club Starter Kit for Secondary Schools
- Travel to Tokyo campaign
- Random Routines animation
- Tokyo Ten Activity Guides
- Keidoro animation
- Duster Dodge animation
- Travel to Tokyo (Home Learning)
- History of the Olympic Games
- Think Real
- Think Real - thought for the day
- Think Real: Fuel – Class
- Think Real: Recovery – Class
- Think Real: Fuel – Team
- Think Real: Healthy habits – Class
- Think Real: Recovery – Team
- Think Real: Healthy habits – Team
- Think Real - Teacher Introduction
- Our greatest team
- The Values
- History of the Paralympic Games
- Best of the London 2012 Paralympic Games
- Get Set for the Olympic Truce
- It's everbody's business
- Best of the London 2012 Olympic Games
- Market Field school – Get Set to be a Paralympic Champion
- The Values Awards in action
- Grange Academy – Get Set to be a Paralympic Champion
- Joachim Gerard – drop shot
- Tennis and the Values
- Wheelchair Tennis Masters meets the Davis Cup
- Inspirational activity
- Rugby sevens
- Paracanoe
- Get Set to Celebrate Olympic Day
- Curling
- London 2012 - Ceremonies
- ParalympicsGB - London 2012
- Olympic and Paralympic Mascots
- Host Cities - Sochi 2014
- Everyone for tennis
- Natasha Baker challenge
- Anthony Ogogo's challenge
- Natasha's workout
- Noticeboard
- West Yorkshire School Games Gym Success
- Get Set Hangout – character and resilience in sport
- Year 2 multisports festival
- Olympic Day Games
- Summer of Sport
- Healthy snacks
- Pledge with an Edge
- Ben Ainslie
- Anthony Joshua
- Anna Sloan
- Angie Malone
- Aileen Neilson
- Rio Olympic Games T-Shirt Design
- Amy Williams
- Gymtastic Gymnastics PART 2
- Beth Tweddle
- Active playtimes
- Ben Hawes
- Rio Victory Party
- Chris Hoy
- Badminton Video
- Brownlee brothers
- Primary Cricket Festival
- Craig McCann
- Eco Club conquer Divis mountain
- Corinna Lawrence
- Ysgol Pen Y Bryn Motivational Speech
- David Smith
- Chobham Primary sports day
- Danielle Brown
- Road to Rio Sports Day
- Derek Derenalagi
- KS1 Sports Hall Athletics Stars
- The Spirit of The Ganes
- Judo
- Trying out new Sports
- Hammer throwing heroes
- Road to Rio Success
- Phillimore Olympic Week 2019
- Run a marathon
- Hyde School Sports Football Competition
- Changing Perceptions
- Rio Regis Day
- Inspiring EAL Students
- Olympic Day in School
- Transistion activity
- Try out leisure facilities in your area for Travel to Tokyo
- St Christopher's School National School Sports Week 2023
- St Christopher's School World Cup
- Modern Pentathlon
- Dame Kelly Holmes Trust AQA Unlocking Potential
- Fitness at a residental home
- Paralympian Nathan Maguire Visits School
- Road to Rio 10km Challenge
- Inclusive Sports Day at Hockley
- KS1 Boccia competition
- Lands End to John o Groats
- Virtual Olympics KS1
- World Book Day quidditch
- Terrific Try it Tuesday
- Dancing Against the Tide of Plastic
- Netball Superstars
- Our National School Sports Week
- Paralympics Challenge
- Olympic Day Sports Day
- dance
- sports week
- Goalball Paralympic Challenge
- Fun Run
- Torriano Olympic and Paralympic week
- Hockey competition
- Redwood Secondary School Winter Olympics
- Paralympic Torch Relay
- Year 5 and 6 Olympic Festival
- Road to Rio
- Barcelona
- Cycling to the Olympic Park
- William Bellamy are looking forward to our Olympic Day
- Our Road to Rio - Assembly
- Olympic and Paralympic Poem Poster Rap competition
- Road to Rio Day
- Connor's Boxing Pride
- We are hosting our own International Olympic Day
- Play more football
- Husthwaite Olympic Day
- Olympic day at Phoenix
- day of sport
- Olympic Sports Day Event
- Olympic Day plans 2021
- Paralympic Games
- Daily 10 - Year 3/4 Heswall St. Peter's
- Olympic Day at Bransty
- Student Sucess
- Lora Fachie
- David Weir
- Get Set Hangout – the Value of equality
- Share to win this Olympic Day!
- Tennis
- Online PE with Mr McGill
- Paralympic Module
- Moorgate Primary School attends the Athletes' Parade!
- Primary paralympic sports events
- Motivational Speech Entry
- Year 5 Get Set Day
- Paradice Gold
- Sports Day with Reception Class
- Road to Rio Shelter Box Challenge
- Sport Relief Mile
- Community Cycling Comp
- Sports Day Covid 19 style
- Girls football tournament
- Bungay Black Belts
- Cracking Cricket Tournament
- Olympic Day 2020 at Holy Family
- Virtual Olympic Games KS2
- Primary School Olympic Day Sports Days
- Paralympic Multi-Sports Festival
- Olympic Day Upton Junior School
- Sport Relief
- Gifted and Talented Group Rain Session
- Paradice Gold Tree Planting Ceremony
- Ravenhurst Sports Week
- Courageous Cross Country Runners
- Olympic Day
- Perfect Paralympic Challenge Tournament
- Barnsley Lockdown Gymnastics Squad
- Dance off demonstrates the Paralympic values
- ParaFunFest
- KS2 European 5-A-Side football campionships
- Mini MadRunners Olympic Torch Parade
- trampolining
- Keeping the Legacy Alive
- Our Road to Rio
- Olympic Day - Atlantic Academy Portland
- Road to Rio
- Get Set Team GB kitting out event
- Winterbourne Valley celebrates Olympic Day
- Road to Rio week
- The BST 19:20 Project
- Hayes School Mini Olympics 2015
- Torriano Mini Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020!
- Sports Day and Rio Carnival
- Junior School Tag Rugby Festival
- Blackshaw Lane went to the parade.
- Make your best Olympic Rings
- Bollin at the Parade
- Junior School Boccia Festival
- Paralympic challenge
- Well done Year 6 Olympic Quiz
- Grange Academy Fun Run
- Inclusive Physical Education with Trainee Primary Teachers
- Celebrating Sport in UK and Malaysia on Olympic Day
- International Olympic Day celebrated with social distance racing
- A visit from Jess Taylor - Heptathlete
- Good morning 'Wake up and Shake up'
- National Sports Week
- Garden sports
- Cross-Curricular PE
- Woodland Whippets
- Running for Red Nose Day
- Garden fitness
- International Olympic Day
- Bring the Olympic Games to your classroom
- Your own Olympic Day fun run
- Try new activities to win your first Travel to Tokyo prizes!
- Passport to Rio
- Tiger Prime Pod Olympic Day
- Woodland's Rio run
- The healthy choice? Get ready to Think Real.
- An Olympic Sports Week
- Popular with the Pod
- Sports Week
- Become a Get Set Beacon and inspire change in your community!
- Hockey masterclass
- Olympic Day Jolesfield style
- Jazz Cafe
- Goal ball challenge
- Olympic Day celebrations
- Riding bikes
- Horse riding
- Charity Event by Luke Tucker
- Get Active Get Sporty
- Breakwater Olympic Day
- Charity Mile Challenges
- Paralympics Half Termly Sports Day
- Olympic Day Fancy Dress
- Holly Class Kensworth CE Academy
- Row to Rio
- Hannah Cockroft Olympic Day rose planting
- Cluster Schools Olympic Day
- Rugeley International Olympic Day
- Get Fit 4 School
- Keeping the Flame Alive
- Athletics challenge
- Quizzes and competitions
- Add your story
- Olympic and Paralympic Award Ceremony
- Learn through play
- Paralympic Tasters for all
- Katie Summerhayes
- Celebrate International Olympic Day
- Sports Day
- School Pentathlon
- Trampolining gymnastics
- Olympic Rings
- Elise Christie
- Get Set to make a Time Capsule competition news
- Handy ball hitter
- Martin Green
- Health and Fitness Week
- Current News Stories West Lancashire Sport Partnership
- Stephen Thomas
- Olympic Week
- Home schooling @ranelagh
- National Paralympic Heritage Trust
- Olympian David Ames Visit
- Lillehammer 2016
- Alex doing the 30min exercise with Joe Wicks
- Give me a 'Well Being' Hi Five!
- FAW Trust Huddle Football Festival
- Inclusion, integration and equality
- Looking ahead to Tokyo 2020
- Izzy and Bilal
- Petersfield Infant School Half Marathon 2020
- Spreading the word
- St Dominics Magic Mile
- Get Set Hangout – RIO 2016 WITH MAX WHITLOCK
- Dance Festival
- Zoe Smith
- Nicola Adams
- Jessica Ennis-Hill
- Olympic and Paralympic Fun Run
- Olympic and Paralympic Games Day
- Primary School Health Weeks & Sports Days
- Olympic Days
- Get Set to be a Paralympic Champion
- Staff training
- What's in a name? Paradice Gold!
- Sport Wales visit
- Football inspires trainee teachers
- London 2012 - Breaking New Ground
- Sebastian Coe
- Australian Youth Olympic Festival 2013
- London 2012 - Young People Power
- St Dominics healthy eating drive
- Olympic Day Celebrations
- Sports Leaders 1st4sport coaching
- What makes an athlete's kit?
- Kinball and Multi Skills Festival
- Get Set Hangout – science and medicine in sport
- Santa Dash 2018
- Tim Baillie
- Family Festival - Travel to Tokyo
- Sarah Storey
- Disability Sports Awareness Day
- Mandip Sehmi
- Sports Organising Crew
- Jonnie Peacock
- Y1 gym and dance festival
- Jade Jones
- Junior Schools Boccia and Multi Skills Festival
- Paralympic Challenge Afternoon
- Getting started
- Worthing High School meets Sophie Christiansen
- Coventry Travelled to Tokyo
- Sports Leaders Junior School Activity session
- A mile a day keeps the doctor away!
- Virtual Olympic Games across Europe
- Success for Travel to Tokyo teams
- A Real Road to Rio!
- Team pta getting active
- Jack Hunter-Spivey
- Junior School Rugby Festival
- Market Field School win our first film workshop
- Think Real news - My Think Real story
- Sailor Helena Lucas is the first British athlete selected for Rio!
- The Get Set Beacons get ready to inspire active communities
- James Rodwell visits Queen Elizabeth II High School
- Get Set to Make a Change celebrations!
- Get Set's Road to Rio launches!
- Introduce pedalling to playtime today!
- National Paralympic Day competition
- Active Lunches
- Celebrating the Values Awards
- St Helen's College meet Olympic rower Alex Partridge!
- Values, Citizenship and personal development programmes
- London 2012 - Amazing Facts
- Fighting for Friendship
- Nick Fuller
- Taking the Lead
- Lorraine
- Celebrate London 2012 and inspire a generation!
- Olympic Day Fun Run
- Promoting Healthy Habits
- Glasgow 2018 D-Day
- Our Multi Schools Council
- London 2012 - Unbelievable
- European School Sports Day
- School improvement through PE and sport
- Carterton Partnership Olympic Event
- London 2012 - Girl Power
- WRU Wheelchair Rugby
- My School Story: Rebecca Chambers, Bowes Primary School
- Paralympics
- Get Set Hangout – RIO 2016 WITH JONNIE PEACOCK
- Tour of Britain Wirral Stage
- Olympic Challenge
- Get Set Hangout – THE SCIENCE OF SPORT
- William Bellamy Primary is keeping the Legacy Alive
- International Olympic Week at HBHS
- We are really excited to have just recorded our first Google Hangout!
- Tom Daley
- International Olympic Day
- Terry Bywater
- Sports day
- Sean Rose
- Tameside Cross country championships
- Nile Wilson
- St Christopher’s National School Sports Week
- Natasha Baker
- Olympic and Paralympic Award Ceremony
- Kelly Gallagher
- Katherine Grainger
- Have a go on the Road to Rio.
- John Jackson
- Olympic Day 2019
- James Whitley
- Run to Rio
- Helen Freeman
- Ellie Simmonds
- Rio Olympic Games T-Shirt Design
- Sports Day
- St Dominic's Belfast Olympics Day
- Values Champions Awards Winners
- Paralympic Games integrated into Hockley's Sports Day
- Celebrating Olympic values
- St Dominic's Celebrate Olympic Day
- Olympic Decathlon Sports Day
- The French Lycee will celebrate the Olympic Day
- One World
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