Recommended age group: 5–11 and 11–16
Time required: two 45–60 min sessions
Equipment: printed activity sheets (included at end of each presentation), equipment for chosen challenge (e.g. cones, balls, building bricks).
This resource explores teamwork and the many different roles within Team GB and ParalympicsGB that help athletes perform. It encourages students to get active as part of a team.
The student-facing presentation contains a range of interactive activities and videos featuring Olympians, Paralympians and their support staff as they prepare for the Winter Games. It also includes student activity sheets at the end of each presentation.
The resource is designed for use either in assembly or in class time, and focuses on the following key questions.
- What is teamwork?
- What teams are involved in the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games?
- Who supports the athletes to produce great performances and wow us with their achievements?
- What does it mean to be part of a team?
- How can you work as a team to get active?
The simple version of the presentation is best suited to primary pupils, and the ‘advanced’ version best suited to secondary students. While you can deliver the activity in full, it is also designed to be flexible and you can pick and choose the elements that will work best for your students. Simple delivery notes are included in the ‘Notes’ section below each slide.
After completing one (or more) of the Winter teamwork challenges, further explore winter sports on 'dry land' with our PE extension ideas. Alternatively, if possible, arrange a visit to a local ice-rink or dry ski slope.