Recommended age group: Primary
Time required: 45–60 minutes
Equipment: Art materials: colouring pens, pencils, crayons, paints. Scissors. Glue.


Challenge outcomes

  • Design and illustrate a mini-figure of someone you are proud of.
  • Write a message of motivation for that person.
  • Create a crowd image using the mini-figure templates.

Teacher notes

Pupils will create their own mini-figure of someone they are proud of using the template. It could even be of themselves! Pupils will develop and write a message of support on the mini-figure. You can create a large crowd image including all the mini-figures from the class or school in one picture. 

Support: Pupils can work in pairs/small groups to develop their messages. 
Challenge: Pupils can create mini-figures of themselves or their family, to create an even larger class/school crowd.

Take it further