New Path to Paris resources available

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Path To Paris
Path To Paris

To celebrate the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we are inviting children aged 5-11 and their families to get active and embark on a virtual journey with Path to Paris.

Join the journey

Find your team

Step 1: Register

Register to Get Set to gain access to the full Path to Paris experience.

Create teams

Step 2: Create a team

Schools, community groups, and families travel in teams on the Path to Paris travel. Give your team a name and tell us all about them!

Log activities

Step 3: Log activities

Get active and log your active minutes, we will convert them into kilometres to virtually power your team on the Path to Paris. You’ll also be in with a chance of winning exclusive Team GB and ParalympicsGB prizes!

Need some help? Check out the Walkthrough video, explore the FAQS or look for activity inspiration.

Distance travelled

Total number of kilometeres travelled so far by all teams participating in Path to Paris!

This week

This week
532 KM


All time
257,130,947 KM


What is Path to Paris?

Path to Paris is a programme for schools, families and local communities designed to help children and their families to get active together, try new things and most importantly: have fun. It’s all about team spirit and building a habit of physical activity. Path to Paris uses the inspiration of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, to challenge children across the country to virtually travel to Paris by getting active. By taking part, children will grow in confidence and learn vital skills, such as teamwork and resilience.

Teachers, group leaders and families can create teams, children will log their physical activity on the Path to Paris website and each active minute will translate into virtual kilometres powering their team around the world. Path to Paris is all about getting active at home, in school, at a local sport or community group, everyone is invited to get active together and embark on the Path to Paris. Starting from Athens, the birthplace of the modern Olympic Games, children will get active and virtually travel kilometres to power their team bus around the world. There are lots of opportunities to win amazing prizes along the way!

The final stretch will take teams through Great Britain and Northern Ireland so you can collect Team GB and ParalympicsGB athletes and learn more about them, their sports, and the history of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. With loads of motivational activities and videos, young people will be inspired to get moving to make sure their bus gets to Paris in time!

Who is it for? 

Path to Paris is aimed at 5-11 aged children and their families. The primary audience is children aged 5-11, but don’t let that stop you from getting involved! Anyone can take part online but only school children and their families attending schools in the UK for primary aged children will be eligible for additional offers, rewards and incentives.

How can I get involved? 

Path to Paris is all about team spirit, so participants travel in teams. Teachers, group leaders and parents, ‘Team Leaders’, can create teams via the Path to Paris website, after first registering with Get Set. A unique pin number will be generated which you can use to find your teams (make sure to share this and the team name with team members).

Young people can then get active at school, in their community or with family. Dancing in the kitchen, video workouts in the lounge, walking in the park or playing tag - it all counts towards your journey to Paris! After getting active, participants can log their activity to their team via the website using their team pin. Every minute logged will automatically be converted into virtual kilometres powering teams around the world. Progress can be tracked via the Team Tracker page or the Dashboard.

How do I find my team? 

Go to Find your Team using your pin and team name. If you don’t know your pin number and your team is linked to a school, you can use your school postcode (please ensure to use a space between the two parts), if you don't know it you can ask your teacher or look it up online. If your postcode isn't working, try just the first half of the postcode. If that doesn’t bring up your school either, please contact us.

If you don’t know your pin number and your team isn’t linked to a school you can try and search for the club or activity groups postcode using the first 3 letters of clubs postcode. If it doesn’t come up, you will need to contact us.

How do I log my activity? 

Go to the Log Activity page, find your team, and you’ll be able to log your activity.

First, select the type of activity that you did (if it doesn’t fit into any of the categories, just choose “Other” and you’ll be able to describe your activity).

Next, tell us whether you enjoyed it, how long it lasted and how hard you worked.

Finally, add the people who took part with you, and you’re ready to submit your activity towards your journey to Paris! If any of the sections are unclear, you can click the (i) icons for extra information and tips. 

What is the team tracker? 

The Team Tracker is where you can track your progress to Paris. Each destination your team reaches will earn you a flag sticker and unlock a fun challenge which you can try out and share with us on social media (#PathToParis), and explore the destination further using your Travel Guide which is chock full of activities for each destination you visit.

You can also view your team stats: the totals of all the sessions recorded for your team, including how long an average session lasts, how much people tend to enjoy activities and how hard they work. It helps you see what activities are popular and what new things people could try.  

Can I edit / change teams? 

Only Team Leaders (teachers, parents, community group leaders) registered on Get Set can set up to modify teams. There is no limit to the number of teams you can set up, and you can add, edit, deactivate and reactivate teams. You can also transfer the team to another registered Get Set user if you no longer wish to be a Team Leader. All teams will be displayed on your Dashboard, and each team will have its own Team Tracker showing their progress towards Paris and the combined activity of all team members.  

Once you have registered with Get Set and created your teams, you can edit your team details via the Manage Teams page.

What is the dashboard?

The Dashboard contains all your teams’ stats.Each team will make their own journey to Paris. If you have chosen to set up multiple teams, then you can use the Dashboard to track the combined progress of all of your teams: the total kilometres logged by each team, total activity and distance recorded against all teams, including how long an average session lasts, how much people tend to enjoy activities and how hard they work. It helps you see what activities are popular and what new things people could try. It also gives you a list of all teams you have created, allowing you to view each Team Tracker 

Will there be rewards? 

We want to encourage schools, community groups and families to keep active together! As such, we award prizes to active teams! We run a regular prize draw where we randomly select a team who have logged activity during the period. Should your team be randomly selected to win, they will win a prize for each team member*. So get moving, do more and have fun! Find out what the latest prize is on the Homepage. 
We will also be awarding spot prizes to teams who show us how they are getting active on social media (Twitter: @GetSetCommunity and Instagram: @GetSetClub). Follow us and tag the Get Set social channels using #PathToParis and you may be contacted via social media to win a prize. 
*Please see the Terms and Conditions for more information.

What happens when I reach Paris?

Teams travel at their own pace towards Paris, so will reach Paris at different times. Teams that reach Paris before the Olympic and Paralympic Games in summer 2024 will automatically restart their journey from Athens, Greece and are encouraged to see how many times they can reach Paris.  
Teams completing multiple trips to Paris can keep track of their progress on their Team Dashboard via their stickers which will display a counter and their Distance Tracker which will record their total distance travelled in kilometres.

How do I get a participation pack?

Eligible teams* will be sent a free Participation Pack to get them started. This pack includes stickers, posters, banners and flyers.  
To receive a pack, a Team Leader (a teacher, parent or community group leader) needs to register with Get Set and log their first activity with Path to Paris.  
*Please see our Terms and Conditions to check if your team is eligible.

How long does the programme run for?

Path to Paris will run until October 2024. 

How is distance calculated?

The distance travelled / logged towards Paris will be variable based on activity length, whether you got active with your family, the number of activities logged and the frequency that activities are logged. It will be automatically calculated for you

I have moved to a different school, what do I do? 

No problem! 
If you’re a teacher, you can just register with your new school email address to access all the Get Set and Path to Paris resources. There is, unfortunately, no way to change the email address associated with an account. 
If you’re a pupil, just check if your school is participating in Path to Paris and enter your new school’s pin code (or alternatively your school postcode) on this page, select your team and you can start logging your activity.

Who are the Path to Paris ambassadors?

We’re very lucky to have ten fantastic athlete ambassadors supporting the programme: Team GB athlete Abi Burton, Javier Bello, Kye Whyte, Deborah Kerr and David Hamnes as well as Paralympians Ashley Facey, Chris Skelley, Maisie Summers-Newton, Beth Munro and Mel Woods. Log activity regularly and your team could be in with a chance of winning a shout out or a virtual visit from one of these or other sports stars!

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